Day to day





Another day, another notification of rejection. But also, a call for my writing, and an email saying that a kind referee (you know who you are) has filed a letter in support of my application to MacDowell. Limited though my chances are there, it’s warming to know I have support.



cars in plastic



Activities on my part:



sneaking at the door of the auto repair and taking photos of these cars wrapped in plastic.


reading The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton and marvelling at the weirdness of the world it contains.


trying to write a review on Joanna Walsh’s beautiful Fractals. Trying and struggling. What can I say, other than read this, it’s delightful and melancholy, and you should have a copy for your sojourn in a cafe on a road you don’t know, watching the rain come in and blow out again, and gold in the puddles it has left?


working on The Library of Endings. A suspended sort of effort, while my mind whirs with suspense and hopefulness, while the other novels drift out in the world, wanting to be read, made real –


thinking of my gratitude at the responses to the anxiety and writing post here. To all who commented, thank you. I read everything, and thought, and was glad to hear of your experiences too.


Now? With delicacy, trying to go about my day, and fill it with good things, while sun and greenness seems so far away – it isn’t after all. And blue for this winter afternoon will suffice.

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