‘Monstirs and Flash’ on the QFP Blog

Morning here from a dark room, with winter beginning to nip at the air. I have been busy with my friend C, up from London for a visit – together with D we pushed through heavy rain for coffee, an art gallery and a punk beer bar , we pushed through the crisp cold to walk across the town past groups of excited fan girls trying to spot pop stars in town for some MTV awards, and inside away from the weather made tiny crafts and watched Sharknado and science documentaries (to even each other out). She’s off home now, and I hope very much to see her again next year when I go down to London for readings from On The Edges Of Vision (this at the moment a vague concept yet to be organised). However! And perhaps of interest! On the Queen’s Ferry Press blog I write about the naming and monstrous influences behind this forthcoming collection:


All monsters represent some fear, some disgust, bafflement: we are worried by our bodies, by the possibilities of other bodies. We worry about the fluidity of our identities and our flesh. We’re all sliding around trying to find our balance, and at the same time watching what the other dancers on the floor are doing.  


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